Youth volunteering: investing in a promising future

Youth volunteering: investing in a promising future
Published on
November 2023

Volunteering is much more than just an opportunity to give one's time a cause. For young people, it is an enriching experience that offers a multitude of advantages, both personally and professionally. In this article, we will explore that many benefits of volunteering for young people and why it should be high on their list of priorities.

Development of essential skills

Volunteering provides young people with a unique platform for the development of essential skills that are not only relevant in the context of volunteering itself but also in their daily lives and future careers. Statistics reinforce the importance of this skill development :

  • Communication Skills : According to a study conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic, 75% of young volunteers reported improving their communication skills by working with volunteer organizations. These skills are vital in almost every career, as effective communication is a major asset.
  • Leadership Skills : Volunteering offers young people the opportunity to take on responsibilities and lead projects. According to a survey by the Institute of Youth in the United States, 84% of young volunteers stated that they developed leadership skills through their volunteer involvement. This can prepare them for a leadership positions in their future careers.
  • Problem-Solving skills : Young volunteers often face complex challenges that require creative solutions. A survey by Volunteering Australia revealed that 90% of young volunteers claimed to have developed problem-solving skills through their volunteer experience.
  • Time management : Volunteering demands regular commitment, which helps young people manage their time effectively. According to a study by the National Volunteering Service in the United Kingdom, 78% of young volunteers noted an improvement in their time management skills.
  • Teamwork : Teamwork is an essential skill in today's world. A survey by Volunteering in America showed that 89% of young volunteers developed teamwork skills though their volunteer engagement. This prepares them to collaborate effectively with others in their future careers.

These statistic demonstrate that volunteering goes beyond selfless giving; it is also an opportunity for personal and professional development. The skills acquired through volunteering are valuable and can open many doors for young people, academically, professionally, or personally. Ultimately, volunteering is a win-win strategy for both young people and the communities they assist.

Practical experience

Practical experience is one of the most significant assets young people can gain from volunteering. It goes beyond the theory learned in the classroom and offers hand-on immersion in the real world. Statistics clearly show the impact of this practical experience :

  • Complement to formal education : A survey by the National Youth Leadership Council in the United States revealed that 73% of young volunteers believe that their volunteering experience helped complement education. They were able to put into practice what they had learned in the classroom, enhancing their understanding of subjects.
  • Improved understanding of social issues : According to a study by the Institute for Volunteering Research in the United Kingdom, 84% of young volunteers believe that their volunteer engagement improved their understanding of the social issues faced by communities and individuals. This awareness of social issues is valuable for the development of social consciousness.
  • Preparation for specific careers : Volunteering can also serve as a stepping stone of specific careers. A survey by Volunteering Australia showed that 62% of young volunteers gained relevant experience for their field of study or career. For example, an environmental science student can gain practical experience by working with an environmental organization.
  • Development of specialized skills : Volunteering can provide young people with the opportunity to develop specialized skills. According to a study by the Center for Volunteering Research in Australia, 58% of young volunteers acquired specialized skills such as event management, fundraising, or project planning.
  • Preparation for real-life situations : Volunteering often exposes young people to real-life situations and challenges they must face. This immersion in authentic environments can prepare them to handle similar challenges in their future careers of personal lives.

These statistics demonstrate that volunteering offers much more than a mere contribution to a cause. It acts as an essential complement to formal education by providing practical experience that enhances understanding, develops skills, and prepares young people for a promising future. The practical experience gained through volunteering can make the difference between successful studies or careers and limited preparation. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage young people to seize these learning opportunities within their volunteer commitments.

Building a social network

Volunteering offers young people the opportunity to forge meaningful social connections, expand their social circle, and strengthen their network by working alongside other volunteers. Volunteer activities bring together individuals who share common values, creating a strong foundation for lasting friendships.

  • Expanding the network : According to a survey by the organization Volunteering in America, 80% of young volunteers stated that they expanded their social network by working alongside other volunteers. Volunteer activities bring together individuals who share common values, creating a strong foundation for lasting friendships.
  • Professional networking opportunities : Volunteering can also be a gateway to professional networking opportunities. A survey by Points of Light revealed that 60% of young volunteers re-established professional contacts through their engagement. These contacts can be invaluable in job hunting or career advancement.
  • Enhancing interpersonal relationships : Working alongside other volunteers allows young people to develop teamwork skills and enhance their interpersonal skills. They learn to collaborate with individuals form diverse backgrounds, making them more adaptable to diverse work environments.
  • Social and emotional support : Volunteering offers a network of social and emotional support. According to a survey by the Center for Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 70% of young volunteers found emotional support within their volunteer group. This can be particularly beneficial for young going through periods of transition or stress.
  • Social learning : Collaborating with volunteers of all ages and backgrounds allows young people to learn from varied experiences and perspectives. They gain a greater understanding of cultural and generational differences, making them more open-minded and tolerant.

In summary, volunteering is much more than a solitary activity; it offers young people the opportunity to build meaningful connections with others who share on their personal and professional lives, providing them with support, networking opportunities, and a deeper understanding of the world around them. This is why volunteering should not only be considered as a means of giving but also as an opportunity to receive and build lasting relationships.

Discovery of passions and callings

Volunteering offers young people a unique opportunity to explore various areas of interest, discover unexpected passions, and sometimes even define their future callings. Statistics highlight the impact of this personal exploration through volunteering :

  • Influence on career choice : A study by the National Council of Voluntary Organisation (NVCO) in the United Kingdom found that 72% of young volunteers reported that their volunteering experience had an impact on their career choice. By getting involved in causes they are passionate about, young people are more likely to choose careers aligned with their values.
  • Discovery of hidden passions : According to a survey by the Center for Volunteering Research in Australia, 64% of young volunteers have discovered new passions through their volunteer engagement. For example, a student who dedicates time to nature preservation may discover a love for the environment and choose a career in environmental sciences.
  • Clarification of life goals : Volunteering can help young people make sens of their lives and define their personal goals. According to a survey conducted by Youth Service America, 68% of young volunteers reported that volunteering helped clarify their life goals and aspirations. They find direction and purpose through their volunteer experiences.
  • Development of skills and talents : Volunteering allows young people to hone their skills and discover hidden talents. Wether it's through teaching, mentoring, or hand-on work, volunteering provides a platform for personal growth and skill development.
  • Networking and mentoring : Young volunteers often have the opportunity to network with professionals in their chosen field. This can lead to mentorship opportunities, further guiding them towards their passions and career goals.
  • Inspirational role models : Volunteering exposes young people to inspirational role models who are dedicated to making a positive impact on society. This can shape their values and inspire them to pursue similar paths.

In summary, volunteering is not just about giving back; it's a journey of self-discovery for young people. It helps them explore their interest, uncover hidden passions, clarify their life goals, and develop valuable skills. The statistic demonstrate that volunteering has a profound impact on the personal and professional development of young individuals, often guiding them towards fulfilling and purpose-driven careers.

Fostering lifelong volunteering habits

One of the most significant advantages of encouraging young people to volunteer is the potential to install lifelong volunteering habits. Statistics reveal the effectiveness of volunteering in fostering this commitment to community service :

  • Long-term engagement : Research by the Corporation for National and Community Service in the United States showed that individuals who voluntereed as youth were more likely to continue volunteering as adults. They formed a habit of community service early in life.
  • Increased civic participation : Volunteering closely linked to civic engagement. A study by the National Conference on Citizenship indicated that young people who volunteer are more likely to engage in civic activities, such as voting and participating in community meetings, throughout their lives;
  • Continued contribution : Volunteering often becomes a lifelong passion for those who start young. The sense of fulfilment and purpose derived from helping others motivates individuals to stay involved in various capacities, from mentoring to board memberships.
  • Transmitting values : Young people who volunteer are more likely to transmit these values to future generations. They model the importance of community service for their children and grandchildren, creating a ripple effect of social responsability.
  • Building social capital : Volunteering builds social connections and networks that can be beneficial throughout life. These connections can lead to educational and career opportunities, personal support systems, and a sense of belonging to a community.
  • Health and well-being : Studies have shown that volunteering contributes to better mental and physical health. When young people experience the positive effects of volunteering on their well-being, they are more likely to continue these habits into adulthood.

By encouraging young people to volunteer and providing them with meaningful opportunities, we not only enhance their personal development but also contribute to building a society characterized by civic engagement and social responsibility. The statistic emphasize the role of volunteering as a catalyst for lifelong commitment to community service, ultimately strengthening our communities and societies as a whole.

Enhancement of the Curriculum Vitae

Volunteering is a valuable asset of enriching the curriculum vitae (CV) of young individuals, as it demonstrates their commitment, skills, and capacity to make a positive contribution to society. Statistic highlight the significant impact of volunteering on the improvement of young people's CVs :

  • Recognition by employers : A survey conducted by Linkedin revealed that 41% of employers consider volunteering experience as important as paid work experience when hiring. Employers value candidates who have dedicated their time to volunteering, as it showcases their commitment to causes and their willingness to contribute positively to society.
  • Skills development : Volunteering allows young people to develop valuable transferable skills, enhancing their attractiveness to employers. According to the United States Office of Labor Statistic, 88% of young volunteers believe that their volunteering experience has improved their communication skills, which are essential in many professions.
  • Candidate differentiation : In an increasingly competitive job market, volunteering enables young individuals to stand out from other candidates. A survey by the Points of Light organization showed that 80% of young volunteers believe that their volunteer engagement helped them distinguish themselves when applying for jobs or educational programs.
  • References and letters of recommendation : Young volunteers often have the opportunity to work with professionals who can provide positive letters of recommendation and references. This enhances their credibility in the eyes of employers and higher education institutions.
  • Demonstration of values and interest : Including volunteer experience on a CV signals to employers that the candidate cares about social issues and is willing to invest time in causes they are passionate about. This can be particularly appealing to companies that value social responsibility.
  • Evidence of leadership : Volunteering can also demonstrate a young person's ability to take on responsabilities and exercise leadership. Volunteer experiences where young individuals have led projects or teams are particularly relevant for strengthening their CV.

In summary, volunteering is much more than a mere altruistic activity; it is an investment in the personal and professional development of young people. It enhances their CV by showcasing their commitment, highlighting theirs skills, and setting them apart in a competitive job market. Statistic confirm that volunteering is a major asset for young individuals seeking academic and professional opportunities while allowing them to make a positive contribution to society.

Development of social sensitivity

Volunteering plays a crucial role in developing social sensitivity in young people by exposing them to various realities and encouraging reflection on social issues. Statistics demonstrate the significant impact of volunteering on this aspect of personal development :

  • Awareness of social issues : By working within volunteer organizations, young people are confronted with the challenges and social issues faced by individuals and communities. A study conducted by the Center for Research on Civic Learning and Engagement revealed that 87% of young volunteers are more inclined to be sensitive to social issues due to their volunteering experience.
  • Empathy and compassion : Volunteering encourages empathy and compassion towards others. By meeting people from different backgrounds and understanding their stories, young individuals develop a greater capacity to feel and understand the emotions and needs of others.
  • Awareness of diversity : Working with volunteers and beneficiaries from diverse cultural, economic, and social backgrounds exposes young people to diversity. A survey by Volunteering in America showed that 78% of young volunteers are more aware of diversity and inclusion due to their volunteering engagement.
  • Civic engagement : Volunteering often serves as a starting point for continued civic engagement. According to a survey by the National Conference on Citizenship, 87% of young volunteers are more inclined to participate in activities and vote because of their volunteering experience. They become aware of their role as responsible citizens.
  • Combating prejudices : Volunteering can contribute to combating prejudices and stereotypes. By interacting with individuals who differ from them, young people question their own biases and develop a more nuanced view of the world.
  • Responsibility to society : Volunteering reinforces the sens of responsibility towards society. Young individuals understand that they have a role to play in improving their community and the world.

Volunteering is much more than a philanthropic activity; it is an opportunity for learning, personal growth, and significant contribution to society. Young people who engage in volunteering develop skills, relationships, and a worldview that prepares them for a promising future. It is essential to encourage young individuals to get involved in volunteering and support them in this endeavour, as they are not only beneficiaries but also the future leaders of our world. Statistics unequivocally show that volunteering is an investment in a stronger, more capable, and more compassionate future for young people.

Building a support network

Volunteering offers young people the opportunity to established meaningful social connections, expand their social circles, and strengthen their network of contacts. Statistics highlight the importance of this social dimension of volunteering :

  • Expanding the network : According to a survey conducted by the organization Volunteering in America, 80% of young volunteers reported expanding their social network by working alongside other volunteers. Volunteer activities bring together individuals who share similar values, creating a solid foundation for lasting friendships.
  • Professional networking opportunities : Volunteering can aslo serve as a gateway to professional networking opportunities. A survey by the organization Points of Light revealed that 60% of young volunteers reconnected with professionals though their volunteering engagement. These connections can prove valuable in job searching or career advancement.
  • Enhancing interpersonal relationships : Working alongside other volunteers allows young people to develop teamwork skills and strengthen their interpersonal abilities. They learn to collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds, making them more adaptable to diverse work environments.
  • Social and emotional support : Volunteering also provides a network of social and emotional support. According to a survey by the Center for Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 70% of young volunteers found emotional support within their volunteer group. This can be particularly beneficial for young people going through periods of transition or stress.
  • Social learning : Collaborating with volunteers of all ages and backgrounds enables young individuals to learn from varied experiences and perspectives. They gain a greater understanding of cultural and generational differences, making them more open-minded and tolerant.

In summary, volunteering is much more than a solitary activity; it offers young people the opportunity to forge meaningful bonds with individuals who share similar values. These social relationships can have a positive impact on their personal and professional lives, providing them with support, networking opportunities, and a deeper understanding of the world around them. Therefore, volunteering should not only be considered a means of giving but also an opportunity to receive and build lasting relationships.

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