The time for real change, has finally arrived.
In 2025, there will be 1900 billion digital transactions in the world, that is 361 billion euros of commissions.
If everyone used Retreeb, it would represent 120 billion euros invested for a better world.
At Retreeb, we empower ourselves to change the world !

• Our mission n#123 •
GOAL Niger - By Unitlife
Sustaining bio-fortified and climate-resilient Agriculture to serve women in remote areas.

Our project takes place in 20 villages of Zinder, a region in the South of Niger, and one of the most hit (53%) by chronic childhood malnutrition in the country.
We have 3 objectives:
- Make nutritious food available to the communities.
- Empower the women of the communities.
- Improve social behaviors associated with nutrition, health, and gender.
Retreeb is a highly secure payment solution. By using QR code and blockchain technology, Retreeb minimizes the risk of fraud.
100% useful and transparent
The associations and projects supported by Retreeb respect our Charter of Commitment and held to account for their actions.
100% conform to the EU standards
At Retreeb, the most demanding and reassuring European regulation for the protection and use of your personal details applied.
50X less energy consuming
Paying with Retreeb means 50 times less energy consumption than a traditional bank card.

Payments that
contribute to change.
Retailers, show your customers your commitment by offering a responsible and innovative payment solution.
Join the Retreeb network to help make this world a better place.
Download the app

At Retreeb we are committed to redistributing 33%.
All payment players (banks, but also Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, etc.) earn their living from commissions. Retreeb is the sole one redistributing 1/3 of its commissions to solidarity and responsible causes.
Causes you can support