2 min

World Clean Up Day : together for a cleaner world

World Clean Up Day : together for a cleaner world
Published on
November 2023

Every year, on September 21st, millions of people around the world come together to participate in the World Clean Up Day. This global event aims to raise awareness about the pollution of our planet and encourage citizens from all corners of the globe to take action by cleaning their local environment. With alarming statistics about plastic pollution, electronic waste, and toxic spills, the World Clean Up Day has become more important than ever.

Shocking pollution statistic

To understand the magnitude of the problem we are facing, it is essential to take closer look at the alarming statistics related to the pollution of our planet :

  1. Plastic in the Oceans : According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's report, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050 if we do not change our consumption habits. Every year, approximately 8 millions ton of plastic end up in the oceans, endangering marine life and the health of our planet.
  2. Electronic waste : The rapide growth of technology has led to a significant increase in electronic waste. In 2019, the International Telecommunication Union estimated that the world produced approximately 53,6 million tons of electronic waste.
  3. Food waste : According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, about one-third all food produced worldwide is lost or wasted, amounting to approximately 1.3 billion tons each year.
  4. Deforestation : Around 18,7 million acres of tropical forest are lost every year, according to the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This is equivalent to an area of tropical forest the size of 27 football fields disappearing every minute.

World clean up day in action

Faced with these alarming statistics, the World Clean Up Day has become a crucial initiative to mobilise civil society and governments to take action. Here are some figures that illustrate the impressive impact of this annual cleaning day :

  1. Participation from over 180 countries : Since its inception in 2008 in Estonia, the World Clean Up Day has gained popularity worldwide, with participation from more than 180 countries. This demonstrates that awareness of the need to clean up our planet is global.
  2. Million of participants : Every year, millions of people join the effort, cleaning streets, beaches, parks, and other public spaces. In 2022, the World Clean Up Day saw participation from over 18 million people worldwide.
  3. Tons of waste collected : The results of the World Clean Up Day are impressive. In 2021, participants collected approximately 48,000 tons of waste worldwide.
  4. Increased awareness : The impact of the World Clean Up Day goes beyond the tons of waste collected. This event also raises awareness about environmental issues and encourages waste reduction at the source.

Support causes close to your heart with Retreeb

Before concluding this article on the crucial importance of the World Clean Up Day, we would like to introduce you to an exciting opportunity to make a significant difference in the world around us. You, our valued readers, have already shown your commitment to environmental protection by reading this article and considering active participation in cleaning efforts.

If you are looking for other ways to contribute to environmental or social projects that are close to your heart, we highly recommend exploring the responsible payment application, Retreeb. This innovative application has a positive impact on our planet by donating 33% of the fees collected from merchants to environmental and/or social nonprofit projects.

Together, we can make a significant difference and help build a better future for our planet and its inhabitants. Whether you participate in the World Clean Up Day or seek other ways to take positive action, Retreeb is here to support you on your journey toward a cleaner and fairer world.

Join the movement today, as every small gesture in the fight for a sustainable and equitable future for all.

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