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Retreeb: responsible payment for student associations

Retreeb: responsible payment for student associations
Published on
November 2023

In a world where social and environmental awareness is increasingly important, it is essential for organisations, including Student Associations, to engage in responsible initiatives. This is where Retreeb comes into play, the brand-new payment solution that offers Student Associations an innovative way to collect and manage funds while contributing to important causes.

The changing landscape of Student Associations

Over the year, Student Associations have evolved to become much more than mere organisations responsible for organising parties and events. They have become major players in university life, playing central role in creating unforgettable memories for students and promoting a sense of belonging to the university community. However, the environment in which Student Associations operate has undergone significant changes, necessitating a rethinking of their mode of operation.

An increasingly conscious student audience

Today's student audience is more aware of social and environmental issues than ever before. Students have become active participants in addressing problems such as climate change, social inequalities, and environmental sustainability. They expect their student associations to embrace these concerns and adopt responsible practices.

The importance of social and environmental responsibility

Businesses and organisations, including Student Associations, are increasingly being evaluated not only on their financial performance but also on their social and environmental impact. Student Associations that focus solely on hosting festive risk falling short of students' growing expectations. Students seek to engage in activities that have meaning and contribute positively to society.

The opportunity to stand out

In this changing landscape, Student Associations have the opportunity to stand out by adopting responsible practices. By meeting student's expectations, they can strengthen their reputation and influence within the university community. Student Associations engage in responsible initiatives have the potential to become inspiring examples for other student organisations and create a real positive impact.

Retreeb : Adapting to new expectations

It is precisely in this context that Retreeb comes in as an innovative solution for Student Associations. By integrating Retreeb into their operations, Student Associations can not only modernise their financial operations but also meet the growing expectations of students for social and environmental responsibility.

Retreeb is a response to the evolving landscape of Student Associations, offering an innovative way to collect and manage funds while contributing to important causes. This platform allows Student Associations to remain revenant, strengthen their commitment to society and the environment, and play an essential role in creating a better future for the student community.

How it works for Student Associations

  1. Easy registration : The first step for student associations is to directly contact Retreeb to register the student associations.
  2. Fund collection : Retreeb facilitates fund collection for Student Associations by offering secure online and physical payment features. Students can make payment through QR codes, greatly simplify the collection process.
  3. Support for causes : One of the most powerful features of Retreeb is the ability for users to choose social or environmental projects they wish to fund with each transaction. This flexibility allows students to support causes that truly matter to them.
  4. Financial transparency : Retreeb provides full transparency on how transaction fees are distributed to associations. Student association can track donations in real-time, enhancing the trust of students and student associations members in the process.

0 subscription, 0 fixed fees, 100% transparency

Less intermediaries, more affordability, and greater responsibility !

They trust us

Tours' Student Associations

Angers' Student Associations

Retreeb paves the way for a new era of social and environmental responsibility for student associations. With this responsible payment solution, student association can not only collect funds efficiently but also support important causes for society and the environment. By choosing Retreeb, Student Associations take a significant steps towards a responsible and engaged future while continuing to provide a committed student experience. Retreeb represents a win-win partnership where student associations actively contribute to building a better world fulfilling their mission within the community.

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